With more than 70 years of experience,  MIGNET AVIATION is proud to present the last evolution of the concept : the HM-1100 CORDOUAN

The marvellous adventure of AVIONS MIGNET began more than 70 years ago. The craze for the Mignet formula that we are experiencing at the dawn of the third millénnium testifies, to its all often misunderstood flying qualities. The CORDOUAN is the industrial form of the concept.  

3 axes aeroplane ultralight of  H. MIGNET formula :
absolutely impossible to get into a spin !

Foldable by a single person in less than three minutes to roadworthy configuration
CORDOUAN: name of a very old lighthouse localised 6 miles at sea, in front of Royan.
To the west ... the Americas.
The "Mignet Aviation" company has stopped his activity.

but this site will still continue !

All products shown in the shop are discontinued but the "bouquin" for which all rights are owned by Alain Mignet (Henri's grandson)